The CALL Interest Section
Community History
Roger Kenner
Concordia University
Montreal, Qc, Canada
1998, 2000, 2003
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We feel naturally proud of the work we have put into creating and maintining this Interest Section, one which has had its impact both on the TESOL organization and within our field of CALL. Each year, as we move forward, new hands take up the reins from the old and fresh ideas come into our community. Yet we should never lose sight of the work that has gone before.
It is for this reason that I have begun this project. I call it the Community History for I intend that the observations and anecdotes of all who have participated will be featured here. I will be contacting, for example, all of the former chairs of CALL-IS, to get their stories.
To start things off, what follows below are my personal observations, to lend flesh to some key facts that I have garnered from past IS Newsletters. It is organized around the Convention Year, which is the key milestone event in our Interest Section's history.
A few years ago, I produced a document which traced my involvement in the founding of CALL-IS. I urge you to have a look at that story, as I will not repeat below the same detail. (Included there are the results of a members survey taken in 1984.)
Skip Ahead?
[1984] [1985] [1986] [1987] [1988]
[1989] [1990] [1991] [1992] [1993]
[1994] [1995] [1996] [1997] [1998]
[1999] [2000] [2001] [2002]
See also: Vance Steven's Recollections on the begining of Call-IS
The Years of CALL-IS
- Toronto: 1983
- The TESOL Convention was held in Toronto, Ontario in that year. There was a pre-conference symposium which gathered together the "who's who" in the use of computers in language learning. One result of the seminar was the decision that we should henceforth call this endeavor. "Computer-Assisted Language Learning", or CALL. Another was that we should found an interest section within TESOL. There were quite a number of CALL-related sessions, almost all along the same hallway, which came to be known as the "CALL-Hall". What was exciting was that for the first time, many of these sessions were not directed at newcomers, but at colleagues.
- The unnoficial "officers" elected at the open, founding meeting were:
- The TESOL Convention was held in Toronto, Ontario in that year. There was a pre-conference symposium which gathered together the "who's who" in the use of computers in language learning. One result of the seminar was the decision that we should henceforth call this endeavor. "Computer-Assisted Language Learning", or CALL. Another was that we should found an interest section within TESOL. There were quite a number of CALL-related sessions, almost all along the same hallway, which came to be known as the "CALL-Hall". What was exciting was that for the first time, many of these sessions were not directed at newcomers, but at colleagues.
Chair | David Sanders |
Co-chair | Vance Stevens |
Secretary | Roger Kenner |
Newletter Editor | Ingrid Berjawsky |
Steering Committee | Paul Hardin |
- Roger Kenner's further observations on this year are contained in The Founding of CALL-IS.
- Others' Observations: (More can be added!)
Vance Steven's recollections
- CALL-IS missed all the deadlines outlined in TESOL's constitution for acceptance in 1983. Nevertheless, TESOL was very interested in us. We operated that first year as an independent organization, based at Concordia University. TESOL supported us financially. We were unoffically given some of the status and privileges of an Interest Section. We had a wide range of members involved in teaching languages other than English, who were not members of TESOL.
We managed a couple of mail-outs to all our members, but never managed to put out a newsletter.
- The TESOL Convention was held in Houston, Texas in that year. We accomplished all the requirements to become an Interest Section and were accepted as such that year. Houston saw our first Software Fare, organized by Vance Stevens. Again, the number of crowded CALL sessions was inspiring.
- The TESOL Constitution of the day called for the first officers of the Interest Section to be appointed. Nevertheless, we held an unofficial business meeting under the guise of a "rap session" (as discussion sessions were called in those days.). TESOL recognized the results of our elections in their appointments:
- The TESOL Convention was held in Houston, Texas in that year. We accomplished all the requirements to become an Interest Section and were accepted as such that year. Houston saw our first Software Fare, organized by Vance Stevens. Again, the number of crowded CALL sessions was inspiring.
Chair | Vance Stevens |
Co-chair | Roger Kenner |
Newletter Editor | Joel Bloch |
Steering Committee | Joel Bloch |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's further observations on this year are contained in The Founding of CALL-IS.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
- It took a year or so for CALL-IS's original independent mailing list to be integrated into TESOL's. TESOL agreed to support our non-English teaching members, non-TESOL members, at a reduced rate. Joel Bloch produced our first newsletter, 1(1), in December of 1984. We continued for several years to send both newsletters, containing articles, and mail-outs, containing administrative information and ballots. We were among the first Interest Sections to elect our officers by mail-in ballot, allowing all members to have a say.
Chair | Roger Kenner |
Co-chair | Macey Taylor |
Newletter Editor | Joel Bloch |
Steering Committee | (More research is needed to find this information.) |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's further observations on this year are contained in The Founding of CALL-IS.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
- We prevailed upon TESOL to change the way in which papers were accepted for the Convention. Starting with the 1986 Convention, all papers were submitted to and judged by the Interest Sections. We were called upon to suggest a keynote speaker for the 1986 Convention. We suggested John Higgins, who was accepted.
The plan was put forward that each Interest Section should have a "Hospitality Table" at the 1986 Convention. We successfully argued that we, CALL-IS, needed a room rather than just a table. - Other Events:
- CALL Digest 1(2), May 1985, Norm Johnson, 8 pages
- CALL Digest 1(2), May 1985, Norm Johnson, 8 pages
Chair | Macey Taylor |
Co-chair | Peter Lee |
Newletter Editor | Joel Bloch |
Steering Committee | (More research is needed to find this information.) |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: I was, unfortunately, unable to attend the Anaheim Convention, even though I was chair. Macey took over very effectively and Daniel Horowitz, who was understudy to the Software Fare, pulled it off admirably.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
- Events during the year: (To be filled in.)
- Other Events: (To be filled in.)
Chair | Peter Lee |
Co-chair | Katherine Muhlhausen |
Newletter Editor | Joel Bloch & Pat Dunkel |
Steering Committee | (More research is needed to find this information.) |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: I was, unfortunately, unable to attend the Miami Convention.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
- Events during the year: The December, 1987 issue of the CALL-IS Newsletter (Vol 4) is edited by Joel Bloch and Pat Dunkel and contains paid advertising.
- Other Events: (To be filled in.)
Chair | Katherine Muhlhausen |
Co-chair | Gerald Dalgish |
Newletter Editor | Macey Taylor(?) |
Steering Committee | (More research is needed to find this information.) |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: I remember the tiny Hospitality Room, full of Apple II's brought by Peter Lee. I remember having to sneak these out to Peter's car disguised as luggage, with the collusion of well-tipped bell hops, as union regulations forbade our carrying goods into or our of the hotel. I remember the seminal session on concordancers hosted by Tim Johns. I remember some candidates for president dropped into the hotel for a press conference and all traces of TESOL literally vanished for a short while. I remember the guitars and the impromptu CALL-IS jam session. I remember meeting this lady named Sheryl Beller, and even passing her some software.
- Claire Bradin's Observations: Claire, on the other hand, does not remember the 1988 Hospitality Room as being "tiny": "That was the first year that TESOL allowed us to borrow computers from companies, and we had an enormous room. There were problems, such as the fact that the computers had 3 1/2" drives and most of us still had 5 1/4 " drives, but so it goes..."
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
- Events during the year: (To be filled in.)
- Other Events: (To be filled in.)
Chair | Gerald Dalgish |
Co-chair | Claire Bradin |
Newletter Editor | Macey Taylor |
Steering Committee | (More research is needed to find this information.) But would have included: |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: We were quite a community by then. I fondly remember the evenings out with the crowd, along the Riverwalk.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Claire Bradin |
Co-chair | Deborah Healey |
Past-Chair | Gerald Dalgish |
Newletter Editor | Macey Taylor |
Steering Committee | To 1991: |
Librarians | Amiga: Macey Taylor |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: I was unable to attend the San Francisco Convention.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
- The TESOL Convention was held in New York City in that year. We had a very nice Hospitality Room, right at the entrance to the Convention Center. Laura Perez was in charge. Norm Johnson hosted the Software Fare and Jeff Magoto the "CALL Author's Showcase"
- The following were our officers, after elections:
- The TESOL Convention was held in New York City in that year. We had a very nice Hospitality Room, right at the entrance to the Convention Center. Laura Perez was in charge. Norm Johnson hosted the Software Fare and Jeff Magoto the "CALL Author's Showcase"
Chair | Deborah Healey |
Associate Chair> | Douglas Coleman |
Past-Chair | Claire Bradin |
Newletter Editor | Macey Taylor |
Steering Committee | To 1992 |
Librarians | Amiga: Macey Taylor |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: New York was far too busy. None of us had any fun! In the Hospitality Room, we were selling diskettes of programs from the libraries, and they had to be copied. After dinner, we returned to copy diskettes until the wee hours of the morning.
I remember we had one nice jam session. Vance and Deborah brought their guitars. Norm brought his recorder. Someone brought whiskey. We let ourselves into the Hospitality Room with our own key. - Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Douglas Coleman |
Associate Chair> | Marianne Phinney |
Past-Chair | Deborah Healey |
Newletter Editor | Macey Taylor |
Steering Committee | To 1993 |
Librarians | Amiga: Macey Taylor |
User's Groups | Mac: Deborah Healey |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: Vancouver was a beautiful setting. The CALL community would venture out after hours to enjoy dinner together in nearby Gastown.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Marianne Phinney |
Associate Chair | Elizabeth Hanson-Smith |
Past-Chair | Douglas Coleman |
Newletter Editor | Macey Taylor |
Steering Committee | To 1994 |
Librarians | Amiga: Macey Taylor |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: I remember the Newcomer's Pre-Conference workshop, which I co-hosted with Deborah Healey. Her Macs were there all day, but my PC's only showed up an hour before!
I took great notice of this colleague whom I had basically ignored all the years, Sheryl Beller. - Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Elizabeth Hanson-Smith |
Associate Chair | Susan Dever |
Past-Chair | Marianne Phinney |
Newletter Editor | Linda Foley |
Steering Committee | Jeff Magoto |
Librarians | Mac: Deborah Healey |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: I was unable to attend the Baltimore Convention.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Susan Dever |
Associate Chair | Jeff Magoto |
Past-Chair | Elizabeth Hanson-Smith |
Newletter Editor | Linda Foley (?) |
Steering Committee | (More research is needed to find this information.) |
Librarians | Mac: Deborah Healey |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: We had a vast space in Long Beach, but it was clean across the hall from the main convention area. Still, lots of people came by.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Jeff Magoto |
Associate Chair | Carolyn Heacock |
Past-Chair | Susan Dever |
Newletter Editor | Linda Foley |
Steering Committee | (More research is needed to find this information.) |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: I co-hosted the Software Fare again, after many years. I was understudy to Mark Algren.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Carolyn Heacock |
Associate Chair | Ron Corio |
Past-Chair | Jeff Magoto |
Newletter Editor | Joy Egbert | Column Editor | Sheryl Beller-Kenner |
Steering Committee | To 1998: |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: I hosted the Software Fare with Scott Rule as understudy.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Ron Corio |
Chair-Elect | Leslie Opp-Beckman |
Past-Chair | Carolyn Heacock |
Newletter Editor | Joy Egbert |
Steering Committee | Susan Gaer |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: Beautiful City, very nice convention, great Electronic Village!
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Leslie Opp-Beckman |
Chair-Elect | Tom Robb |
Past-Chair | Ron Corio |
Newletter Editor | |
Steering Committee | Peter Lee |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: Back, again, to the New York Hilton!
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Tom Robb |
Chair-Elect | Colin Sachs |
Past-Chair | Leslie Opp-Beckman |
Newletter Editor | |
Steering Committee | Doug Mills |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: A marvelous setting: Sun and harbour and mountains! We had a very nice Electronic Village!
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Tom Robb |
Chair-Elect | Suzan Stamper (Moody) |
Past-Chair | Tom Robb |
Newletter Editor | |
Steering Committee | Joy Egbert |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: I was unable to attend, so I count on others to forward their impressions to me.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Suzan Stamper (Moody) |
Chair-Elect | Greg Kessler |
Past-Chair | Tom Robb |
Newletter Editor | Chris Sauer |
Steering Committee | Steve Sharp |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: I was unable to attend, so I count on others to forward their impressions to me.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Chair | Greg Kessler |
Chair-Elect | Susanne McLaughlin (?) |
Past-Chair | Suzan Stamper (Moody) |
Newletter Editor | |
Steering Committee | John Avery |
(Note that new officers are only installed on the last day of the current Convention |
- Roger Kenner's Observations: I am likely to be unable to attend, so I count on others to forward their impressions to me.
- Others' Observations to be filled in here!
Prepared by Roger Kenner
May, 1998; July 2000; May, June, November,2003